Watch cat

We're having some land surveying work done today. Raspberry spied the men in bright vests with their tripods through the kitchen windows. She was not impressed. 

My brother and I are taking a big step, we're selling the home we grew up in. We have a piece of land that has three houses and forested backland. Our parent's house, built in 1946 is in the middle, between our house, a lot of unbuilt land with street frontage and then my brother's house. We currently rent our childhood home, our dad died in 1998, and our mother in 2007.  The tenants we rent to have inherited some property and will be moving at the end of this month. My brother Clark and I have decided to sell the property. We need to do some tidying up of the plot boundary lines before it goes on the market. It's a big step, this piece of land has been one since at least the late 1800s, but it's time to cut that house and it's lot out of the land trust we have. It's very close to Dogcorner Cottage so we're hoping it sells to nice folks. 

So, today there was a lot of activity measuring everything and making some firm lines in the land in between. It's a risk that the new owners may cut down the magnolia tree planted when I was 2, or the old, rather sad dogwoods damaged by countless hurricanes and heavy snows. But, it's time for someone else to love the 1946 Cape designed by a rather famous New England architect, Royal Barry Wills. We have our own houses and we also share our great grandparents' place in Machiasport, Maine. I'm not fond of change, but this is something I want to do. My brother has shouldered a most of the landlord tasks, it's time to sell, period.

The extras show the land in between, our view of the house, and me with that new magnolia, it now towers over the house to the left of one of the surveyors.

For the Record,
This day came in rainy with breaking sun and cool, but milder than usual temps.

All hands healing

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