
I wanted to do something today, I just couldn't decide what. I googled Ramsbottom, Manchester and the Quays to see if there was anything going on, but I couldn't find a a thing. I phoned a friend to see if she fancied a jaunt somewhere, but she was going to watch the rugby all day...sigh. 

I was fed up and needed to get out so I pootled along to the Quays, it was better than nothing. The light was flat, there was nothing going on and so after I wandered through Studio 5 I headed home feeling more fed up. I took this one and only pic today as I went by the Daleks. I used to be a huge Dr Who fan, but I can't stand Peter Capaldi....he just isn't the Doctor :(

The saving grace of the day was having tea and scones at Ellen's this afternoon. There were only three of the coven....rugby claimed the fourth! Now I'm watching rubbish on tv and bored again....oh well, it is an early night for me as I'm working tomorrow. 

Is this as good as it gets?

Film Star Friday...oh wow, there were some fabulous entries, but I have to say that Ukelelehaley's was hilarious and my favourite of the week. Terraldino's was definitely the creepiest and mambo was the most glamorous. Robert10 continued his Bond theme....I'm hoping Jaws makes an appearance one day. Green56 is legally daft he he he......love it, and I hope Syetuttle managed to pull that knife out! As for that DramQueen, Mrs Robinson, brilliant!! Other blippers have shown an interest for the next one in two weeks....so get planning. I have a few ideas....he he he he 

Have a look here to see them all :)

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