Return to the North

By Viking

Anorak convention

I works for AirNZ up until last week as a project manager responsible for building new airport terminals, (now in Q&A) Today was AirNZ Open Day so we headed off for a wander around the engineering blocks and the aircraft. 
Spent an inordinate amount of time queuing down the aisles of a Dreamliner. the only thing making it bearable was a fabulous young boy in front of us (maybe 10 wish) who wants to be a pilot when he grows up, so he was super well informed and keen! Was an absolute joy to listen to his knowledge and enthusiasm and he was a credit to his parents.
I got in the cockpit after about 40+ minutes of waiting for a sit down at the controls.
I was however much more fascinated by the engines themselves so in extras I have put up shots of one while my main shot is the engine sitting in the wind tunnel waiting to be tested for faults.

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