What did I see today...?

By DaveR


300 Blips!

I am, I have to say, vastly impressed with myself for making it this far.

Plans for today's Blip were actually more complicated - I wanted to do a massive chalk sketch on the back patio or fence and shoot that - but life has a way of mucking about with plans as we all know.

Very, very early on Saturday I got a call from Mum saying that Dad had been taken to hospital as he'd been having trouble breathing. I then stayed up the rest of the night waiting for news only for there to be none and had to work from 9-12 on Saturday morning. Tiredness then finally won and I slept through to the evening when Mum phoned up to say Dad had had a battery of tests and seemed fine, he just needs a final scan to check for any other issues and then should be home by Monday. Having had this good news, and a bit of sleep, tiredness and going-out-of-my-bloody-mindedness replaced itself with a need for drinkingness - happily Stef is an awesome housemate and with his aid I soon had enough beer to drink myself to sleep quite happily.

Until I had to wake up on work for Sunday, but that's another Blip's story.

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