Pictorial blethers

By blethers

"It's sunny in Strachur"

Dunoon was swathed in chilly grey cloud today. Quite dismal, really. But there was sun on the hills to the north, and I'd seen photos of sun in Oban and points west ... so I checked the Met Office site for Strachur, 17 miles west of here. And lo, there was to be wall-to-wall sun and temperatures of 13ºC, a good 7 degrees more than at home.

The good people of the Met Office had not deceived us. This is a view of Loch Fyne, with Inveraray just visible on the far side, from the loch side road down which we walked. We met a former colleague - walking in the opposite direction - and found a new path (extra photo). We were passed by a friend who thought we might have a death wish (there was no pavement for quite a while). 

And when we turned inland to drive back along Loch Eck to Dunoon, we saw that the cloud still lingered. And that is my second extra photo for today.

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