
By RichD


Another walk and a blip taken towards the end of the route that I took yesterday.

I chose this over a few other shots that I'd taken today as, while it is something of a cliched image, it exists as a place where I have many splendid memories.

In my early teens I would fish for mackerel from this rock. Using a trace of 4 'shrimps' I would regularly catch over 100 fish in a session that would last until my arm ached so much I could cast no more. I would scale down the rocks as the tide went out and stand, chest deep, just so that I could continue fishing. Then, I would wade among the snags collecting traces that had snapped off so that I could use them the following day. When mackerel became too easy a challenge I would sit on the rocks with my legs dangling over the the edge and float fish for pollock and wrasse. At other times a whole mackerel would be used to tempt a conger from its lair - a 6 foot plus 26lb eel was my record.

Today I watched these 2 plus a few others catch a single fish between them in about 20 minutes. The seas have changed and I wish they hadn't.

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