
By eceerenler

The Land in Sight

        Surrounded by the deep blue sea makes me feel confined in a prison, a few steps away from freedom and safety. The salty water of the sea along with strangeness of the country hints me that I do not belong here. The soft sound of the waves and a warm touch of the sun on my shoulders made me want to stay in the boat and not meet the cold sea. The smell of fish and salt water emanating from the sea made me want to reach the land as soon as possible.

    In that moment, stepping on the land was one of the aim that I have because I afraid that the sea will engulf me. I have a fear of swimming in the sea because I cannot see what there is inside it. It is a huge, dark and endless like a life. One of the life lesson I learned from this photo is sometimes people can be obligated to face with unexpectedness of the future. For example, even if people don’t know anything about what is a marriage, eventually most of them face it and throw off the phobia. Fears are hard to overcome it because you need to fight to get rid of. Not to mention, I touch the sea and noticed that nothing happened, and also it has a soft touch.

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