
Our camera club celebrate it's 70th birthday this year and we are building up a celebration photo exhibition for the same from very beginning till today.

Last month I already visited in South Karelian Museum to get digital files of an old photos for the exhibition as original prints are far too valuable to be on the wall. Today I visited on local city archive office to check if there is any usefull stuff and what a treasure chamber that was. Hundreds of old photos during past 70 years! It was really nice to notice that our camera club has always valued it's history and saved many important documents and photos. E.g  original memo of our camera club's constitutive meeting from 28.1.1946 is still in good shape in the city archive. The image on the front has been taken on that meeting. I must say I was very exited of all those old photos. And those photo albums...pure magic!

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