Scoots, Shoots & Leaves

By TerriG


Hi, it's me, Liza Jane. Remember when I told you that playing with Moose was my Very Favorite Thing to do? Here's me playing the fetch game with Moose and my mom. It's the first thing I do in the morning after I go outside to Dolittle (Mom says that's how I got my name, 'cuz when they take me outside to pee, they say "Liza, Doolittle!" and I do!) and then I eat my breakfast. Then Mom tosses Moose about a million times and I run and get her and bring her back and sometimes I get a Treat!

Sometimes I'm very clever and catch Moose in mid-air! And sometimes mom tricks me and throws Moose in the opposite direction, which makes me skitter on the floor, and Mom laughs! And sometimes Mom hides Moose under a pillow or a blanket or behind her back, but I always find her! I have a good nose.

Sometimes Mom forgets that it's time to play Moose, so I sit in front of her and make little growly noises until she remembers. I don't know how she could forget such an important thing!

After the millionth time I fetch Moose, Mom says "All done!" and then I'm devastated, 'cuz I could play Moose all day long, I really could. I practice my forlorn look, and sometimes I Sit Pretty, 'cuz Mom just can't resist that and she gives me a Treat or two just for being so cute.

Gotta go, it's time for us to go for a Scoot, which, if you remember, is my Very Favorite Thing! Bye!

P.S. Mom says the photo is a little blurry because I move so fast!
P.P.S. DON'T look at it large, it makes my butt look big and it's all fuzzled!

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