The Easter Bunny

This morning, our doorbell rang and guess who it was? The Easter Bunny! I never saw it, but mum said it was, and came back inside with a huge brown package. For Me! Well, and for mum obviously. But my name was on it! I love mail with my name on it!

It was from my best friend Dolly and her mum in England! Wow! It smelled amazing, and once we could start opening it, we discovered there were many many presents inside. My thinking is that the Easter Bunny and Santa must somehow have something to do with each other.

We had so much fun! I opened all my presents, with just a bit of help, and here they are! You can see for yourselves. Amazing, huh?! I almost broke into the Cheesy Stars package. They were awesome once I got some! The Colin the caterpillar-treats were put on a windowsill until Easter. Guess who sits under it casting meaningful looks... We read the story and liked it, we put the magnet on the fridge and the card on my wall. And mum got very nice presents too. I may be the luckiest poodle on the planet!

Thank you so much Dolly and Heidi!!

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