pretty prepared

8:30am. A minor break in the rain. The weeWeir and I getting ready to head out so I can walk the dogs and she can get breakfast with Mrs theWeir's Mum.

An action packed day started there, moved towards some birthday gift purchasing for my Mum, through the mysteries of lunchtime and home to pick up my drum kit to set up for the wedding tomorrow.

Then it was off to get the sound stuff and my drums set up for the event, a highlight of which was the weeWeir playing my drum kit. A drum kit I've played across the country before she was born. The same kit I bought with help from my parents in 1996. And I was really pleased that it sounded just like it did when it last came out the cases eighteen months or so ago. Playing most drum kits is fun, but I remembered how much I enjoyed playing my kit. Like riding a bike you've known for years.

All that was followed by a trip to see my Grandad as he's preparing to move out of his house for a trial period in residential care.

Took my Mum home from there too.

Finally, home for dinner with Mrs theWeir before she went off to work for the night.

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