Katie lies............

........... you could see it in her eyes*

Storm Katie is promising all kinds of excitement but hasn't arrived yet; that said there was a hail storm earlier which was fun. 

Because of decimalisation or pasteurisation or the EU or something I lost an hour of kip last night. The whole day has been a mess so I've tried to do nothing but do it well. My ability to do nothing has been sorely tested of late so I hope that I've still got the knack because I'm probably aiming to do nothing tomorrow. When Katie hits I'll be slumped on the sofa after a hard session of doing absolutely nuffin' - I'm sure that it's what Ēostre would have wanted.

* You'll know this lyric if you know it and if you don't you might want to check out Steely Dan's "Katy Lied"

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