Men at Work

M is for Men at Work. Down Under

This is a back blip! It was not planned that way. I went to the pub, early doors, to deliver a message, and have a small aperitif before dinner. Then a couple of the lads turned up, I bought them a drink, it would have been rude to decline their reciprocal offer, that's when things started to get hazy.... Much later, I walked home, snoozed and dribbled a bit on a cushion while watching the news and took myself off to bed. It couldn't have been all bad because the alarm woke me this morning so I had managed to set it before going to sleep!!

M is also for Mark, who arrived at the pub last night by cab - always a bad sign. He is an elderly gentleman. At some point I made reference to the M25, which set him off on the most hilarious story about going to Guildford, and missing the junction, so he decided to go to Brighton, but missed the M23 turning too, so carried on and ended up at 'Disabled Bay' which is apparently near Eastbourne and suitable only for blue badge holders.

If it's anything like Hemel Hempstead that would mean most are very able boddied, their only disability being their attitude.

This morning when retelling Mark's story, the 'yoof of today' at work, said "Sounds like you needed to be there" Reading this back, I think they are right.

Happy days!

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