
By NickyH

Day 198

I had planned to get a shot of some machinery at work today, but it never quite materialized as I was too busy. As I was driving home I was trying to think of something to photograph, but kept drawing a blank. I got home and was gazing out into the back garden and thinking how I couldn't go outside as it was raining. Then I decided that instead of letting the rain spoil things, I'd photograph it!

So I did. It looks a bit abstract and Matt couldn't tell what it was - he thought it was a pond! It's actually our table outside. It's black glass and I liked the raindrops bouncing on it and how the bushes were reflected in it. And the light is always my favourite for photography at this time in our garden.

Big day tomorrow as H has a settling in morning at school! He's VERY excited. It will also mean I will have a couple of hours to myself. Heaven!

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