Perfect hover

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Perfect that it's brand new, no damaged wing, no dullness in colour, it's beautiful, but the weather isn't. It's been like Charles Dickens today & Great Expectations, low cloud, mist, cold, drizzle... horrid & so flipping windy, I really am fed up with it now, before I could just about put up with it & it's MEANT to be coming to an end, yeah, right!!! I don't believe that for a moment!

It's been 12 months ago today since I took my first ever photo of Little Larry:

One year ago today

I am extremely tired today, I have been sleeping, but dreaming heavily & by the time I wake up in the mornings, I feel like I've run the marathon, just totally exhausted all the time. Early to bed hopefully, as long emotional day tomorrow & strangely enough I feel more anxious about tomorrow then I did about Mum's funeral... my Dad feels the same strangely too xx

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