My Restless Lens

By terri365

1169 - 01 April 2016 - Gracias!

Dale wanted to treat me to lunch today, so who was I to say no?  I love Mexican food and this restaurant has been in Stirling as long as I have lived here (and longer probably) but I have never seemed to get around to going! So, her suggestion and I have to say it was so delicious!!!  One of our favourite restaurants in Edinburgh is a Mexican but Smiling Jacks beats it hands down!

Having a bit of trouble with the neighbour again this evening.  Loud music since 3.30pm.  Tried to phone the Council's noise team but they didn't get back to me so I ended up calling the police at 5.30pm.  They finally came about 7.30pm.  The music was so loud they had to knock three times - and the police have loud knocks!  No music now but they are so noisy when they speak, I suspect I'll be calling the police again later...

I can't understand her mentality - she had a warning 2 weeks ago but still parties????  

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