My First fun.

I really enjoyed meeting several of my blipper friends in person today; I found them to be exactly as wonderful as I expected.  This is not a great photograph, but it got all of us in it. (A random lady at the coffee shop took it for me.)
There were my old friends:  ddon, nannak, kendallishere, nhc, musings
And new friends: bluheron  and extradays.

We laughed and laughed some more. Kendal had some great ideas for a group shot.....but none of us were willing to create any of the group photos she showed us. (They were in various stages of nakedness!!!) I kind of think she was messing with us. Kendall, did you really think any of being of a certain age would could do those fun group shots? Here is the shot Kendell finally settled on:

It is a beautiful Portland day for a Blipmeet.....It was a beautiful day to do anything outdoors!!!! Garden here I come.

Thanks for the kind comments, stars and hearts yesterday for my little Chestnut Backed Chickadee. (He is still out there today, loving on himself.)

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