
No-so-summer-like-weather is moving in today and will stay through Thursday. So with all the damp and overall gloominess, the boy's and I are holed up in the living room until our banana bread is finished.

I've been thinking quite a lot about things I'd like to acquire. Selfish I know, but I keep thinking of them, so I might as well note them.

In no particular order with accompanying dialogue (from my brain only, as I haven't really shared this list in whole with anyone else):

- 50mm f/1.2 L or 85mm f/1.2 L lens - can't really justify or afford (well I can't actually afford either, but that's another story) both lenses, so I have to fixate on the acquisition a bit longer.
- tattoo - after enduring this last year of physical and emotional pain, I want a tattoo. Not everyone's cup of tea, but I like tattoos. I like color. I like art. I like tattoos. I envision something that travels through the areas I've struggled with physically. This means starting at the top of my neck on the left side and then moving down across my shoulder.
- and the last thing is something I don't feel like sharing publicly, but I know what it is, and I know I need to decide soon.

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