
By RadioGirl

Two Years of Blipping?? I Don't Bee-lieve It!

When I started this journal two years ago I intended to do the 365 Challenge to create a record of my last year working in BBC Radio.  By the time I had completed a year, I had lost my wonderful Dad to cancer, finally ended my 38-year career at the BBC and started to go to Mum's local church in Tiptree with her every week.

The second year of my journal (and the first year of my retirement) has been extremely low-key, with very little happening in the way of exciting events, but paradoxically I have felt truly unburdened and at peace for the first time in many years.  My faith, neglected for decades amid the distractions of working for a busy organisation in the heart of London, has at last had the time and space to breathe and deepen.  I am going to be confirmed in late June this year, but other than that I have no idea what life has in store for me in the short or long term.  Things are not perfect, but I have a lot to be thankful for.

Finally, I want to thank everybody who has continued to read and comment on my journal.  It's truly appreciated, especially as I've been really rubbish at commenting and interacting for a quite long time now, for which I apologise.  Thanks, too, for asking after my Mum - she's very slowly regaining her strength after coming down with a very nasty virus a couple of weeks ago.  Having had to miss a few recently, I hope to get to some more blipmeets this summer, which I think are one of the top bonuses of being a blipper.

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