we saw at the end of our walk.
It had rained during the night, good for the plants.
I transplanted some geraniums from one spot, where there were plenty to an open space in the shadow. And put some seeds in the soil.
In the afternoon we drove to Manrode, where we had not been for a while.
It lies 6 km west of Trendelburg and on a high hill. From there we walked towards the Deiselberg and around it. The view from the Deiselberg is splendid and that is why I put an extra of it.
From the Deiselberg we entered a forest and walked a nice path, but somehow we left it and got a bit lost (my opinion anyway).
In the end we saw Manrode lie in the distance, a straight path would lead us to it. The row of willows I saw and liked them. Where we lived in The Netherlands for 28 years, there were so many along the canals. A kind of nostalgia?
It was rather late when we reached our home and we were both tired.
A tagliatelle dish was easily made.....
I will catch up tomorrow, since I feel still tired and it is already a bit late.

My haiku:

Firmly planted and
Let nobody try to move
Us away from here

And the proverb:

The willow willbuy a horse before the oak will pay for a saddle.

1662  Fuller,   (Cambs) I, 223.

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