Hunter gatherer supper

As Spring low tides you can reach parts of the shore other tides don't reach. As a consequence our Gaelic neighbour asked if I wanted to go gathering Razorfish which I duly agreed to do.
For a visitor it must have been a great sight. Six men dressed in a variety of waterproof clothing, kneeling and digging in the sand with their fingers in the pouring rain on a remote beach.
They can disappear into the sand very quickly and the trick is to wedge them against the sand with one hand whilst using the other to dig them out. After fifteen minutes I had harvested one and things were not looking good for supper. Things improved however - although the weather didn't - and I ended up with the pile you can see. Needless to say the locals had at least twice as many.
At one moment one of them was wandering off into deeper water and I was smugly thinking that at least I knew a bit more than him about Razorfish. He then came back with three rather large scallops.......
To cook you  just pour boiling water over them and they made a good, fresh and, I would hope, healthy supper.

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