Empty wall :-(

Today my wonderful bird Wuzzy past away I have looked for photo's of him but could find none.
So the empty wall is my blip as is my heart
The wall is where his cage was I have had Wuzzy for what seems like forever
He was the garden gate you think it will always be there ~~~~~
But that is not true ~~~,~~~~
As I have said before
Tomorrow is never promised for anyone anything money or no.
Fly high my Wuzzy we spent 30 good years together. You saw my Husband my children my Grandchildren. You moved several times with me. You had bitten umpteen curtains. Wooden chairs. Cats and dogs noses. Cat tails. My present boyfriend mr T nose. Whilst Samantha was having a piggyback. That must be 23 years ago

I have welled up several times even forgot and called your name.
Love you always special bird. See you flying on the other side one day. :-(((

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