Little Larry Academy

By emyjane2

Unaccustomed as I am...

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"Unaccustomed as I am in giving a speech' <<< that's what he looks like, it's like Larry is about to say something pretty darn good. He was simply lovely today, in the wind & the rain, he posed so beautifully, thanks dear bird, best wild friend of mine :) Feathery xxx's

P.S. when I say he's about to leave, I don't mean the country. He's going to stay around here, or perhaps away in a field somewhere in the district, in a hedgerow, where he rests up after a long season of nesting, & moults without being seen - as birds I think are so vain, Elgar Blackbird is already looking a bit of a state & already is hiding himself deep into the bushes so he's not to be seen by prying, laughing eyes. It's also very uncomfortable for them, as their new feathers grow underneath, the old feathers itch like crazy, drop out, tail falls off, some go almost completely bald... And Little Larry bald won't be a nice sight. They come back in September, & robins in particular will start singing again, literally the *only* bird who sings throughout the cold winter months... so he'll be back & I'll be there to feed him worms & take his photo & blipping him of course :)

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