Bomble in the late afternoon light

I visited Helena rather later than planned and we spent far too long finishing the jigsaw.  I rather liked this one which was of a scene looking at the harbourside of Tobermory on the Isle of Mull. It included the hotel there where I remember drinking a couple of tots of whisky back in 1980, the first time I visited the island. After much jiggling of the pieces, moving them round and round, Helena took a picture if the jigsaw before breaking it up.  Hopefully Tmlhereandthere will see the picture and be pleased as it was her who gave it to us as a present.

When i got home I started on some more chores and then took a=my seat out out in the cabin again as I had spotted the woodpecker at the feeders and hoped I might get a close up. Bomble climbed in the cabin window and settled on the sofa until I shifted him when I finally gave up my wait.  I headed down the garden for the first time in ages, despairing at the amount of work that needs doing in the garden.  I took a few half hearted pictures of the plum tree blossom and some views across the gallery.

But behind my back Bomble had followed me to the end of the garden and decided to climb on the roof of the very old shed there, which probably won't be there for long. I snapped a few pictures of him in the last rays of the sun setting in the west.  I haven't photographed him in ages so I don't feel bad about blipping him. I really like seeing the brown colour of his fur when the light hits it like this, despite him being a black cat.

Sadly his friend Illium, another rescue cat, became very ill and died last weekend.  We will all miss him as he and Bomble used to play together ever since he arrived as a kitten, and Bomble doesn't tolerate many other animals. Jacqueline his owner is rather sad.

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