Normandy and bicycles, bicycles everywhere

Normandy has recently hosted the Tour de Normandie, and is preparing for the first stages of the Tour de France.  Carentan, seen here, is to provide the media hub.  (The town hall is the building to the left.)

Roundabouts, a relatively new introduction to France, are now adorned with penny-farthings and more recent two-wheeled inventions, all long past being ridden on.  Numerous bicycle cut-outs in a variety of colours (as seen here) are perched half way up street lighting, or at times on wires strung across the street.  A giant cycle cut-out occupies most of the wall of a building in the nearby village of Saint Marie du Mont.

Inhabitants of Carentan are exhorted to be creative in enlivening the atmosphere for the Tour de France.  Display of the French tricolor flags is particularly encouraged, presumably to remind the Tour cyclists - renowned for their trials of new drugs - exactly where they are.

We get enough cyclists chattering their way through Purbeck to last for a lifetime.... why can't the Normans politely invite them to go elsewhere in France?

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