A Dog's Dinner

By G

Cycling etiquette - help!

As I was casually cycling into work while listening to Cat Steven aka Yusuf, as is my wont, I came across this flood. (although this photo was taken later in the day.)

Now being the gent that I am, I stopped to let the approaching fellow cyclist go through the water without me adding to his discomfort.

Not even as much as a 'Good morning" never mind a 'thank you'.

I then proceeded to go through myself where upon another two cyclist raced through splashing me.

In my book that's just rude!

So what's is the etiquette? Splash and be damned or show a bit of consideration for those who are riding without putting their heads down and bums up.

Probably just another example of how we're all going to hell in a handcart!

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