Capturing my Journey

By thedoglady

Gorgeous girls

One of my gimmers (first time lamber) has had a set of pure shetland twins, they are so tiny and adorable. She is doing a super job. 

Changeover day thankfully no one coming into the cottages this week so have the farm to ourselves which is much better. I did clean the cottages so they are pretty much ready to go. Wish someone would come and do a changeover in my house! Its a tip.

Spent a lot of the morning looking for Hermiones bull calf that she had yesterday. She had hidden it but not bothered to go feed it. Took us ages to find it. She is not a very good mum. They are both in the shed now until she bonds a bit better and cares for the wee fellow a bit more. Big black strike through her name she was a bit like this last year. She is lucky we are short on breeding cows!

Looks like all my bitches are coming in season now just to add to the fun. Not too bad a time as im not needing to go gathering on other farms.

6c 15NW windchill 2c sunshine with showers missing us and that wind is very cold!

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