Capital adventures

By marchmont

It's that cat again

I slept really badly, don't know why, but I did feel more energised overall.

Team planning day and we emerged with - a plan. Well done team.

Being an 'at home' away day we had lunch out at Stac Polly. On the way back a G4S van was parked in the close - 'not my fault' said the female member of their team. Must be quite difficult working for them just now. #1 son e-mailed me with the story of a colleague of a Sgt Major colleague who had tickets fro the 100m men's final. He's been told he can't go now as he's been drafted in to do security duty at - the 100m men's final. Ah well .....

Then to see the wonderful Jon for cut and colour. Shorter today, I like it.

I'd gone out in a skirt and sandals so was cold walking back across the Links. Molly was waiting, hungry as #3 son at work.

i caught up with Le Tour and the Bradley Wiggins story - he is amazing. Molly was watching me, watching.

I have a decision to make about my 2 weeks in September. Is a week on a gulet and a week in a hotel near Olu Deniz a good idea? Do I want to go back close to somewhere I last visited in 1999, our last full family holiday for the 5 of us? I'll sleep on it.

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