A wee snap from the other side of the dual carriageway for a change, next to the Kessock Bridge, and looking over towards the gloom hanging over Inverness and the Great Glen. From the journey home.

Officially on holiday, but what with necessary preparations for the move to the new campus, I went to work... after a few clothes changes.

There was light rain at breakfast time.
"Bike or car today?" - "Bike." That light rain becomes heavier.
"I'll delay a while." It doesn't get lighter, but even heavier.
"I'll take the car." Car loaded, and ready to go.
Flat battery, it won't start. Too wet to attempt to charge it. Unload car, change back into cycling garb, and prepare for a soaking.

Torrential showers at lunchtime. Brief visit to town after the worst of it.

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