Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman

Evil wasp

Oddities week - day 3

This is not the blip I had hoped for, I intended to blip the bug with the fluff casing on its back, but of the fifty or so shots, the only one with even a hint of sharpness was just not good enough for blip. I have however, put it in folio with the rest of the rejects. Perhaps rejects is a bad choice of words, as I certainly won't be throwing these images away! Hopefully I will get another go at a furry bug before the week is done.

I called this wasp 'evil' because it was watching me intensely. Every move I made, it shuddered and followed me. I have pretty much solved my fear of wasps but this bad boy had me considering going back into therapy!

Even though it was a bad day from a rejects point of view, there were plenty of decent images left over for folio. I was disappointed to have to bin two sets of jumping spider images, not one single image worth keeping. But, a couple of beetles, mantis, ladybird grub and a red headed ant made the cut. Also, a small moth type critter, too small to be a moth, so I have called it a midge until one of you can tell me its correct name. A few other bits and pieces made it also.

I have seen these midges in the UK too and tried to photograph them many times, but for some reason they are very difficult. They are only about 4mm long though.

I am thinking of trying a crack of dawn safari tomorrow, to see if I can find anything left over from the night. Well, that was the plan today too, but it just didn't happen!


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