You put your left leg in

The forecast for today was appalling and it lived up to expectation first thing. The mist was down over the hills and then it lashed it down with sideways rain.

After breakfast we headed for the lounges, of which there are a few, and where lots of people were taking refuge. Friend A asked who wanted sun and several hands went up. I suggested a game of hide and seek but strangely didn't have any takers, then the sun suddenly appeared and there was a mad dash for the door. Not wanting to get killed in the crush, I stood to one side.

We had a few spots of rain up in the village and quickly dived into the Chocolatier to partake of their wares, delicious but very rich. Rather like having a whole bar of 200gm Bournville heated up in a cup.

Back at the hotel we sat on the balcony to soak up the sun and have a bite to eat as the sunbeds were still rather damp.

I stroked the muzzle of one of the horses in the village but it put its head down for me to scratch an ear instead and I quite liked the way it was resting one of its back legs.

Many apologies for my lack of commenting and thanks to everyone for dropping by with stars and hearts. I hope you're enjoying our holiday. There is no charge.

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