Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

Day 320 - I'm the King of the Swingers Oh....

Sarah adores the new swings in the park. This evening the park was thronged with people enjoying the wonderful, free, communal space in many different ways.

My pride at seeing so many people peacefully and amicably enjoying the park was tempered with disappointment at seeing all the litter. What goes through the mind of someone who chucks their beer can or crisp packet or - my biggest bugbear - the bones from their fried chicken on the ground? Who do they think will pick it up? (or which animal will choke on it?) Do they think the bloody fairies come and clean up? And whilst I understand that people can't afford to buy bird food and so will inevitably take bread for their kids to throw to the ducks - why just lob in whole slices and then wang the Warburtons bag in for good measure too? I'd better not go to the park tomorrow morning or my blood pressure will suffer. 

Rant over. 

Sad news about Victoria Wood, such a delightfully clever and funny lady. 

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