Squiffy by the Sea

By squiffy


The staple diet of the average St Ives Herring gull is now Chips, Pasties and Ice cream, all of which they steal with great expertise from anyone brave enough to eat out of doors. Today a few of them decided to expand their gastronomic range and try some Tesco's Doughnuts. It didn't start well as they stole the whole packet and had great difficulty opening the plastic box. Once this was done though they then discovered that doughnuts don't break apart like pasties and are far too big to swallow in one.

This was all a bit of fun while we waited for the St Ives lifeboat to return this afternoon. I had to call it out at 8am as a yacht had set off its Personal Locator Beacon but wasn't answering the radio. It was about 40 miles off the coast though so it was a 6 hour round trip at full speed. It transpired that there was someone on board who was unwell and they were airlifted to hospital but I wont find out the rest of the story until I have a chat with the crew later.

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