Bumps in the Road

By JimJ

The Babysitter

Following on from yesterday's post, the kids slept through the night, wahoo! Unfortunately, our carbon monoxide alarm was not so well behaved and started beeping at a high pitched shrill at 3am to let me know it needed a new battery!! What bad luck but then what amazing luck it didn't wake the kids. But it did take me over an hour to get back to sleep and then about 40 mins later, the wee man was awake and coughing in the hallway, which meant his sister was awake about two minutes later.

So I was feeling rather tired this morning but smartly I decided to enlist the help of a babysitter today to give me a wee break. And after they finished watching YouTube for a bit, an actual real live babysitter came to give me another break and help me with the evening ritual!

The kids had a ball with her and I snuck out in the afternoon for a long walk and a drink with an old friend. Felt so nice just to have a break, completely free of doing any chores or house stuff!

As you can see from this pic, the wee man's obsession with numbers, words and reading is rubbing off on his sister. She can now recognise and say a handful of letters, numbers and shapes. I kept a vocabulary list for Ernie at 15.5mths and then an update at 16mths before it became too expansive to keep track of. So I'll do the same for Fenella in a week or so to compare. I think they'll be quite similar - they are definitely peas from the same pod.

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