Swimming Against The Tide

By ViolaMaths

Naked Boys!

Backblipped on 21st July 2012

Well, they're not quite naked, they're sort of fuzzy, like peaches are!

As I had all sorts of stuff fixed up for the week, I decided to get on with it. There was no reason not to, and MiL wouldn't have wanted us to sit around sobbing.

The Wonderspouse also went to do his poetry gig in London, which he'd told MiL about on Sunday. He performed in her memory.

I drove up to my friend Portia's, near Manchester, to collect these four little lads and two older ones. The journey up was pretty smooth, and Portia was lovely. Two of these little ones are mine (the two on the right, sitting in identical poses - one dark one and one light one). The other two and the older boys were all scheduled to go to my friend Karen, although she said she'd rehome one of the older ones, so it was agreed that I should keep him and he'd live here (see tomorrow's blip).

We broke the journey back at a service station, where I had supper (McDonalds and Costa - anyone who knows me well know these are 2 of my fave eateries). FiL called while I was there, and we talked at length. He wanted to talk to the Wonderspouse, although the Wonderspouse had his phone off or was out of range.

Then I drove home and settled all the boys in. I sat up, making arrangements for tomorrow on the internet, and then went to pick the Wonderspouse up from Oxford at around 2 in the morning.

A long day.

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