Meet the artist

Actually, the artist is taking this photo so you can't see me in it ;-)

Although this pic isn't the best in the world it does give a nice idea of how the event went. About a dozen people turned up, which I was pleased about, particularly as there were some of them that I didn't really know but had met very briefly at other events. Lots of chatting and positive comments about my exhibition, Samyoung was brilliant playing some of his improvised music on the grand piano and it was just a really lovely evening. I was so nervous before the event, but I really needn't have worried. It reinforced for me what a great, supportive network of people I am part of.

I found out that the very talented Samyoung is a freelance accountant when he's not playing piano and he seems to have a great approach to life. He says he loves his music but at the moment doesn't want to do it full time because he enjoys it too much and doesn't want it to turn into work. When I asked if he came from a musical family he made me smile when he said no, he was the black sheep ;-)

A full set of pics can be seen here.

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