Heart and Souled

By DebsP

Homage avec fromage*

Bradley Wiggins, the first British man to win the Tour De France, I salute you.
My tribute here is a celebration of all the communities that come together and make roadside displays to delight the eye as the tour passes through. I love that it's so important to them.
It's 32 years since I stood on the Rue de Rivoli to watch the finale; my sister, who to this day, is bike crazy insisted we make the cycling 'pilgrimage'. As a wide-eyed fifteen year old it was overwhelming. A Frenchman won that year.
How I'd love to be in Paris now to celebrate our man on the podium for the first time in 99 events! And Chris Froome second, and Cav grabbing stage glory where he loves it best.
To me, this is our best sporting achievement since 1966. Well done Wiggo, well done.

* No cheese was harmed in the making of this blip, though MrP did sneak my first attempt at a foot!

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