Blip Sleepover

We planned a sleepover at our farm tonight in order to get up at 3am and photograph some shooting stars as the earth passes through the tail of Halley's  Comet.

For once the weather is perfect, so perfect the local firies decided to have hazard reduction burns.
By the time we headed down the valley at 3pm it and the whole upper mountains was deep in smoke.
Undeterred we set off for some atmospheric shots hoping to pass them off as the more acceptable mist.
We were resigned to not seeing any stars.

Here is Trisharooni in action.

I have never known a 20 minute walk to take 90 minutes before but I hadn't done it with Blippers :-)

We had a delicious dinner which I can say as I was only responsible for a small part of it. Everyone contributed.
See extra.

Then a miracle happened - the stars came out :-)))

So I am finally off to bed with the alarm set for 3:30am.

Present are Mr & Mrs Beckett, Mr & Mrs 59, Trisharooni, Gemax, my brother in law, James, & Mr & Mrs isbi.
Someone has now gone home for a proper sleep instead. I won't mention names but she knows who she is ;-)

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