Checking in on Grannie Lillo

Yesterday was Gerry's funeral, Zebedee only went into school for assembly as he is on study leave and Gulliver was having a late start due to the leavers assembly but was very tired and emotional after yesterday so we let him stay at home.

Sue (L7) came over with cake and then Frank came over so we had a coffee and a natter.

Zeb came home and after lunch the boys said they would visit Grannie Lillo with me to check she was ok, we took pink roses, chocolates and grapes. She wasn't up to a walk but said she would like to go in the garden so we sat under one of the large trees, Gulli asked about Joy, my Mothers' Mother so I spent a long time talking about her and also about Grandpa her husband. We also looked through Mum's photo album from her trip to the Galapagos Islands with Gerry and his daughter Rachael and husband Bill a few years ago.

I cut her nails and while I was filing them she gripped my hand and we held hands for a while, she didn't say anything but the grip was tight, she hasn't done that before. Understandably she seemed very tired and it's getting harder for her to hold her head up, she is very hunched over these days, poor Mummy.

I have been very tearful today, I still can't believe that Gerry is gone.....

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