The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Footling around

I spent most of today lying in my hammock under a parasol, finishing a penny dreadful.* As a child, I was discouraged from reading 'trash' so these books have the whiff of forbidden fruit, and are doubly delicious, despite being utter piffle, baloney and codswallop.

Lately, my big toe joint has been throbbing and 'paining'. Looking at this shadow-play shot, I know why. Clearly a bunion is brewing on the right foot. I may just ignore it for a while. After all, I already have claw toes, narrow heels and generally skelly-feet! Foot models earn up to a few hundred pounds per shoot, or they used to before the recession, because good feet are hard to find. Life models, on the other hand, earn rather less, because they only have to be alive.

Feet fears notworthstanding, the sun is still shining, the nuthatches are feeding, the Brits have won the Tour de France! It may be time to seek out CleanSteve and see if I can interest him in a drink...


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