
By Viewpoint


My walk to the doctors  and back yesterday was quite a `meeting and greeting' kind of event where I chatted to people as I walked through our village and then met these two lovely women who were feeding their goats (and checking on the sheep) on the outskirts of Thurgoland village.  They support the Sheffield Retired Greyhound charity which is based at Wortley and I think I've photographed the one on the left before.  We were invited to go and have a coffee with them at the new premises and to see their set-up.  On the way back I had to pass through J's farm and as I hadn't seen her for ages and I could see her sitting in the room I thought I'd stop and say hello.  She and her husband are both restricted in their movement now and finding it harder to get around, but it was good to see them and hear them sounding so perky.  Another conversation on the way home followed with NN, who was dead-heading daffodils along the roadside outside her cottage.  She always has a wonderful display of spring bulbs, which she's planted up along the verge, such a pity that people drive over the edges!

And the good news - I'm now off all the tablets  as my two hospital test results have given me the all clear.    I'm not looking for other answers as to why I experienced problems - just trying to walk a bit more again!  And life is a little less stressful now.

Haircut in the afternoon and then a trip to Sheffield to rearrange tables and get the room ready for Open-up on Saturday and Sunday.  I'll be there again on Sunday to do my stint.  (Yorkshire Photographic exhibition in Wakefield today.) 

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