Consolation Treat

Spare a thought all you 'sooth moothers' basking in a heatwave for us in the north of those islands lying in the path of a easterly breeze keeping the temperatures in single fingers and, according to my internet forecast, things are not expected to improve much over the next week.
I was lulled by all the talk of heatwaves to discard my Chilprufe semmit and woolly drawers this morning for a more seasonal outfit, only to shiver in the snell wind and grey skies.
The cherry blossom in the Meadows which in some years is already fading at this date in May, has yet to come out. Nature knows a thing or two.

And so as you lucky people lie in the garden eating salads with iced drinks on hand, judge me less harshly as I eat this goo filled nutty delight with the heating on. It was meant to be shared with His Lordship, but it turns out he is not particularly keen on the goo. Tant pis! It's all mine!

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