After asking again I can confidently state that this is toffee rather than fudge. It went milkier than it is depicted above when it set; I don't know if that makes a difference in being able to establish which is which. Something consisting almost entirely of sugar, anyway. Though fond of small chocolatey things like Mini Eggs, Minstrels and Buttons I'm not too keen on the Mint Cakes, Tablets and fudgery the world offers, especially towards this end of the year. Some of it has been wrapped up in some little bags with ribbons round the top and other bits are currently preventing me from using the chopping board whilst the chocolate which has been poured over them dries. If they don;t sell then at least we'll have a few little extra giftlets for people if they'll keep for another three weeks. I would have used the excess molten chocolate to coat some digestive biscuits with but it was unfortunately milky chocolate and also unfortunately not Scotbloc; although it's little more than chocolate-scented vegetable oil it is mighty tasty, especially when applied to ice-cream then put back into a freezer for a significant amount of time so that it's frozen solid upon retrieval and consumption. How fortunate that our current freezer isn't large enough to support such activities. I was going to attempt to make some muffins for selling but haven't got round to it yet, partly because I've had an intermittency of muffin-free days recently and was wanting to maintain a reasonably low consumption of lardstuffs in the weeks preceding a visit to a parent-house in order to help make room.

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