Inside looking out

.....or outside looking in?

Today was the hottest day of the year so far - 25 degrees where we were. I didn't actually leave the house, however, other than to chase Noo briefly round the garden.

GravyC and his brothers slept in shifts last night so that they could look after Grandad through the night, and I tried to be useful during the day to give them a break. Nanna took the boys for a walk to the shops before cooking a roast dinner. She is keeping herself busy. The nurses came whilst she was out, and it was very helpful to talk to them as we are completely out of our comfort a way. In another way, caring for someone you love at the end of their life seems like a very natural thing to do. We all feel that Grandad is more peaceful today, and we hope that he is comforted by our presence and the laughter of the boys in the garden.

We had a full house again by mid afternoon, with 5 boys running riot in the garden. I had to drag my 2 away at 6pm to travel an hour or so back home. We've left GravyC behind again - we'll see him again in the morning. And so it goes on....

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