Arriving in Edinburgh today ..............

Wey hey! It appears that something approaching summer has arrived today meaning that for the first time this year I could dispense with my scarf even though at 9am there was still an east coast chill sashaying round my exposed neck.

I have it in pixels on my computer screen that this afternoon's temperature will rise to the heady heights of 16 degrees which may mean I can remove my woolly cardigan, although there could still be that certain coolness in the air we get with any breeze off the North Sea.

Tonight I have my book group meeting where the book under discussion is 'The Lost Wife' by Alyson Richmond. This is the first book I have read for a long time which I found hard to put down and which took precedence over creative hobbies.

My blip of east Princes Street Gardens must gladden the souls of train passengers arriving in Edinburgh's Waverley Station from the north, east and west. There can't be too many capital cities with such a beautiful view just outside the main train station.

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