My Dad's Garden

This is where my Dad likes to spend as much time as he can! He has a veg plot at the end of the garden, with small amounts of beetroot, potatoes, runner beans, shallots and carrots. There are thriving tomato plants in the greenhouse, and the little bird house is currently occupied by a Great Tit family! 

The heron is a leftover from the days when there was a pond where the veg now is, and as you can see, the apple trees are laden with blossom. There is bound to be a logical, practical reason for the dustbin lid in the tree - it wouldn't be there otherwise! I must ask why next time I'm there! 

Today we went over to Horncastle (Via a detour round half the countryside!) and my Dad bought rose bushes. Not because he wants to grow roses - he just wants something to distract the insects away from his runner bean plants!

I bought a couple of bits too - mostly for Jae!

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