
By DevonDumpling

'Field of Dreams'

The title of one of my many favourite movies.
Today has been hot! We drove into Kent and visited Emmett's National Trust. Beautiful garden with great views. The gardener's have been trying to create a Tulip field over the past two years. Speaking with them today, they were saying how disappointed they are that last year they planted two thousand Tulip bulbs.....The left side of the garden has done quite well.  On the right they have had hundreds of bulbs destroyed by Badgers (despite electric wire on the boundaries). Soul destroying for them...they plant fresh bulbs every year. The names of the Tulips, if you are interested, are 'Pink Diamond' 'King's Blood' (red) and my favourite 'Queen of the Night' (black). Typical of gardener's worldwide their philosophy is 'try again next year'. By the way the rather ugly wooden struts in the background are supports for the new Blossom trees. I've posted two extras...can't do it from my iPad so have gone on the main computer.

Feeling stormy tonight .....its hot!

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