Dick's Pics

By RichardDonkin

I am a camera

Monday was always washday when I was a kid. The washing would be pegged out and strung out over the yard and we used to love running under it, pushing the sheets aside. Sometimes little particles of soot would smudge the whites in those days just after the first Clean Air Act was introduced. These days the washing is strung out over the week (but not on Sundays) and often tumbled in the dryer in poor weather. But it always smells the sweetest when it's been on the line.

If I get any time this afternoon I might nip over to Wisley again and have another look at those poppies but not for a blip. Saturday's blip of the car has gone down quite well on Smugmug (A US-based gallery site) where I also post a picture a day in a gallery called Picture Days. I did another one of the car that I've put in Blipfolio.

Bugger, I blipped forgetting that something exciting was coming in the post today and it's just arrived. It's the photographic equivalent of a glass slipper since I only have it for a short time on test. I've just opened the box and taken out a brand spanking new Leica V-Lux 40. Yup, Cinders is going to have a ball with this little princeling.

It's not much different, I suspect, to my faithful Panasonic DMC-LX3 which has a Leica lens, but this one has a better zoom and that red Leica badge for which you pay so much. Bang goes my morning.

Amending the title, I was reminded of Walter Kerr's famously short review of John Van Druten's Broadway play, I am a Camera. Kerr wrote: Me no Leica.

Postscript: I don't change my blip pic after committing, but if I did I would have to blip this heron that was posing for the camera at RHS Wisley this afternoon. I went back to look at the poppies and shot one or two things, but the heron was the star of the show.

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