dusky cranesbill

A glorious day of hot sunshine.  Absolutely lovely . All butterflies (orange tips and large whites) and chirping birds ....
This morning I had a rare and pleasant few hours here by myself and I enjoyed doing absolutely nothing except wandering about the garden. Despite the ongoing neglect it thrives in its own way, swathes of dusky cranesbill and wild garlic alive with bumblebees and hoverflies, the apple trees dripping with blossom ...
This afternoon the girl had a friend visit who also has a baby son. They played with the babies in the shade and I snoozed in a deckchair and smiled to overhear their conversations of mamahood and babyrearing. Not so long since they were out partying together.  
Have a look at the girl's journal for a picture of the babes sleeping in the garden. So sweet. 

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