
By JanBee

Yo Ho Ho and a bottle of rum ...

... 14,000 pirates on Hastings beach ..

Yesterday was Hastings Pirate Day, an annual event to capture and keep the Guinness world record for "Largest Gathering of Pirates". They had it in 2010 but lost it last year. the target to beat was 8,500. But we reached over 14,000 apparently! Yaaay! And that was just the ones that made it to the beach to be counted.

I think it helped that we had the first proper sunny day this summer, and the red Arrows came along a did a breathtaking display later in the day.

As somebody said to me, Hastings does like to dress up. Virtually everyone was dressed up .... the people who weren't looked... sort of ... odd. There was a lot of aaaaring and yo ho ho-ing and a jolly good time was had by all!

I took a zillion photo's and it was really hard to choose one. i was trying to choose between this and a few others when I noticed that the filename was DSC01066 ... so fate decreed this one!

Here are the other candidates:

Lots of pirates on beach

Even pirates need coffee

Pirate pets

Red Arrows #1

Red Arrows #2

Red Arrows #3

And if you want even more ..

It's very tiring being a pirate all day ... hence back blipping this ....

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